
Trace Metal Impurity Testing of Metal Compounds: A Case Study

Trace metal impurity standards relies on the highest quality starting materials and CRMs. This, in turn, requires a certain amount of collaboration to acquire, formulate, and validate the right metal compounds for the job. Modern supply chains make it easier than ever for like-minded companies to collaborate and produce high-purity starters based on ultra-pure inorganic metal compounds. That is exactly what we did, at Inorganic Ventures..

One of our most loyal suppliers is known to offer ultra-pure metal compounds, while we have years of experience in ISO-accredited testing expertise. We decided to increase the synergy between our two businesses to develop the best trace metal impurity testing standards on the market.

Read our full case study on how we develop detailed trace metal impurity testing standards using our supplier’s high-purity metal compounds. Or, contact a member of the Inorganic Ventures team if you would like to discuss partnership opportunities.
